Slasky Award 1999 Nominee for Best Death!

Written by Danielle Surrette
Directed by Scott Rabinowitz

Ted Wayne Dorkowitz Philip Sokoloff
Slasky Jay Harik
Li'l Davey Paul Plunkett
Billy Mark Auerbach
Mrs. Wonderbred Lisette Bross
Mr. Wonderbred Thomas Roddy, Jr.
Dick Dungweed Tom Chalmers
Victim Marty Yu
Victim Vince DonVito
The Unabomber Brad Friedman
Timothy McVeigh Alrich Allen
Sheik Omar al Fassad Allen Lulu
Linda Tripp Linda Miller
Barbara Walters Jenifer Hamel

"He seemed like a normal, quiet guy..., " said the neighbors, "except for the two meat freezers, screams in the middle of the night, the obsession with Fruit Loops, and dem eyez..."
Cannabalism was never so funny..or delicious!

Yes, it's the heart-warming tale of a psychotic boy, his love of cereal and the people he's hacked to death along the way...May they rest in pieces...