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written by Greg Briar
playoffs episodes by Peter Fluet
directed by
Victor Isaac

Vengeance is a nickname for the Lamprey
which is also a nickname for the main character.

6 Episodes
Original Run: 3 Eps, 9/27/14 - 10/11/14
Playoffs Run: 3 Eps, 4/11/15 - 4/25/15

EPISODE ONE (9/27/14)

SUMMARY:  The Lamprey is a cop who is driven by vengeance.  She can't turn off being a cop.  Even when she's at home being overcompetitive in a game of Uno with her kids.  Her partner, Jen, was killed in the line of duty by a mysterious man in Kabuki makeup.  Now her relationship with her husband, Chris, is strained, she's reviled by Jen's husband Tony,  and she's on the outs with the Chief of Police (who is also her father).  And nobody calls her "The Lamprey," either... it's a nickname she gave herself, and she's going to keep calling herself that until it sticks.  Tomorrow, she swears, she will have her vengeance... after her morning carpool.  But as she sleeps on the couch, where she's been banished by Chris until she decides to talk about what happened instead of repressing it, Jen's murderer looms over her...

Photos by Douglas Gabrielle

EPISODE TWO (10/4/14)

SUMMARY:  Chris exhorts Lynn not to be The Lamprey today because she has a lot of things to do, but she drugs him so he can't stop her.  She frantically tries to squeeze everything in - carpooling the kids to school, meeting with Internal Affairs about the death of Jen, stopping uninvited by Jen's memorial service, involving an innocent friend in her investigation into Jen's death by giving her an important piece of evidence (which gets said friend killed by Jen's Kabuki-faced killer as soon as Lynn leaves), returning a casserole dish to her father, asking a fellow loose cannon to help her with the investigation, and then picking her kids up from school.  However, upon arrival at the school, the kids are wearing Kabuki makeup that was painted on them by a "Japanese clown" - and the word "VICTIM" is written across her son's chest.

Photos by Marian Gonzalez

EPISODE THREE (10/11/14)

SUMMARY:  As Lynn deals with her increasingly fraught personal life, we see the Kabuli killer - whose name is Gian - at home with his wife, Allison and their infant son.  He's a hit man for the Yakuza, but Allison wants him to stay away from that "Lamprey" woman... she's crazy and dangerous.  But when Lynn and Gian run into each other at the grocery store, a showdown is in the offing...

Home life with Allison (Monica Greene) and Gian (Scot Shamblin). Allison looks reproachfully at her husband. The Chief (KJ Middlebrooks) chews out Lynn. The Lamprey in action.

Photos by Marian Gonzalez


SUMMARY:  Lynn once again argues with her husband Chris over her behavior towards her children and her inability to turn off being "The Lamprey" when she's at home.

Photos by Aaron Francis


SUMMARY:  Detectives Barrick and Jaci are casually dressed for their stakeout, but are displaced by the better dressed - and more uptight - Detectives Calhoun and Corrigan.  They're staking out Lynn, who is a suspect in the murder of her partner Jen.  Corrigan is obsessed with coming up with ideas for TV Movies, but it's all a front for his simmering passion for Calhoun.  Calhoun seems uninterested at first, but eventually the two are close to a passionate kiss.  But their incipient tryst is interrupted when shots are fired, coming from Lynn's home...

Photos by Aaron Francis


SUMMARY:  Lynn and Chris are arguing over the return of the casserole dish again.  The Chief - her dad - once again asks her to turn in her badge for investigating the death of her partner Jen without consent.  She once again makes things uncomfortable for Jen's husband Tony.  Corrigan and Calhoun try to interrogate her, but their mutual passion distracts them.  Lynn turns to Clint, who also knew Jen, and he turns her on so much that, quivering with desire, she goes to a restaurant where Chris is having dinner with his friend James, begging Chris for sex (and interrupting James' laments about his arthritic fingers).  When they get home, Lynn is confronted by Gian, the Kabuki Killer, and manically shoots him dead.  She needs to call it in, but Chris left his phone at the restaurant.  As they leave to go get it, Barrick and Graci arrive and find the body, and prepare to call it in...

Chris gives Lynn a list of things she needs to do today. Getting between Agents Calhoun and Corrigan can be an uncomfortable situation. Troy just wants Lynn to leave, but she can't turn off being The Lamprey. Lynn shoots the Kabuki killer (Marz Richards) dead.

Photos by Aaron Francis


Carrie Keranen

Lynn ("The Lamprey") (Eps. 1 & 3-4 & 6)

Lauren Van Kurin

Lynn ("The Lamprey") (Ep. 2)

Pete Caslavka

Chris (Eps. 1, 4 & 6)

Peter Fluet

Chris (Ep. 2)
Barrick (Ep. 5)
James (Ep. 6)

Bryan Bellomo

Barrick (Ep. 6)

Matt Merchant

Chris (Ep. 3)

Rebecca Benzell

Jen (Ep. 1)

Jaime Robledo

Chief (Eps. 1-2)

KJ Middlebrooks

Chief (Ep. 3)

Scott Leggett

Chief (Ep. 6)

Colin Willkie

Tony (Eps. 1-2 & 6)

Peter Fluet

James (Ep. 1)

Scot Shamblin

Man in Suit (Gian) (Eps. 1-4)

Marz Richards

Man in Suit (Gian) (Ep. 6)

Vanessa Stewart

Erika (Ep. 2)

Scott Krinsky

Dustin (Ep. 2)

Angela Sauer

Friendly Mother (Ep. 2)

Tifanie McQueen

Alexis (Ep. 2)

Bart Tangredi

Mike (Ep. 2)

Haley Webb

Christina (Ep. 2)

Corey Klemow

Peter (Ep. 2)

Monica Greene

Allison (Ep. 3)

Shaela Cook

Grocery Store Voice (Ep. 3)

Jaime Andrews

Calhoun (Eps. 5-6)

Bruno Oliver

Corrigan (Eps. 5-6)

Amanda Blake Davis

Graci (Eps. 5-6)

Chris Alvarado

Clint (Ep. 6)

Music by Zachary Bernstein (Eps. 1-2)