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Playoffs Serial:


written by Jax Ball
directed by Harim Sanchez

Eto ne gey.

5 Episodes
Original Run: 4 eps, 10/6/18 - 10/27/18
Playoffs Run: 1 ep, 4/6/19

Episode One (10/6/18)

Summary: Russian bros Sergey and Andrei are in a rut. Sergey wants to go out and see the world, but Andrei just wants to sit at home watching TV. A passerby named Hollywood affirms that travel is good for the soul. When Andrei is still not interested, Sergey shoots Hollywood, and forces Andrei to come on a trip with him at gunpoint - and to kidnap the bleeding Hollywood and takes him with them.



Photos by Allena Braithwaite

Episode Two (10/13/18)

Summary: On their way to Turkey, Sergey is happy that they have left Moscow to see the world, but Hollywood frets that he's going to bleed out within a few days (days!? His blood clots really well.) and wants to be taken to a hospital, but Sergey won't hear of it. A man with a camera approaches; could he be a spy? An officer of the law? The man asks if Hollywood is okay; just as we learn he's the host of a Candid Camera-style prank show and not any kind of officer of the law, Andrei panics and snaps the man's neck. Andrei is inconsolable; he just wanted to stay at home, and now he's a murderer. The two bros drag Sergey with them as they flee the scene, Hollywood still begging to be taken to a hospital.



Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Three (10/20/18)

Summary: Hollywood is starting to bleed into his lungs, so Sergei shoves a tube into his chest cavity, but stops short of sucking out the blood. Still, he eventually does it... but it is Andrei, improvising with a bag of chips, who ultimately saves Hollywood's life. Andrei and Hollywood suddenly become close, as they look at the moon together - and Sergei becomes jealous when Andrei and Hollywood declare themselves bros. Suddenly, their incipient bro triangle is interrupted by Hollywood being dragged into the woods by a bear, who begins to dismember Hollywood...



Photos by David Rodriguez

Episode Four (10/27/18)

Summary: Andrei races into the woods with Hollywood's severed hand to find him; he's fine, more or less. Andrei complains again about how he just wanted to spend his life in Moscow. They return to look for Sergey, but he's gone. He's left a passive-aggressive letter saying that since Andrei clearly doesn't want him around so he can be bros with Hollywood, he's run off and joined a group of Ukrainian rebels. Andrei is horrified; Sergey hates the military and won't last a day before the rebels turn on him and kill him. But before they can go off to Sergey's rescue, Andrei and Hollywood are discovered by another group of rebels. Red dots appear on their chests. A shot rings out...


Photos by Jessie Bias

Episode Five (4/6/19) - Playoffs Round 1!

Summary: Later? Earlier? Hollywood has been attacked by a boar, but Andrei has killed it to rescue him. Unfortunately, the boar was a diplomatic gift from one country to another and its death could cause an international incident. Hollywood is "laying low" by wearing the boar's head. Andrei leaves a "sorry" note on the boar's body. Sergey is upset with how much care Andrei is showing Hollywood, thinking Andrei is bored with his old friend and abandoning him for a new one, so he storms off. By morning, it's clear that Sergey isn't coming back, and when Andrei remembers how easily Sergey gets lost and Hollywood says that means he's probably dead by now, a distraught Andrei races off to try to find him...


Photos by Maddalena Calderon


Eric Barnard Sergey (Eps. 1-3 & 5)
Voice of
Sergey (Ep. 4)
Tim Kopacz Andrei (Eps. 1-5)
Garrett Botts Hollywood (Eps. 1-5)
Harim Sanchez Camera Guy (Ep. 2)