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written by Terry Tocantins & Alex Zola
directed by Jonathon Strom

2 Episodes
11/20/10 - 12/4/10

This ain't your father's conspiracy theory.


Terry Tocantins

Charlie Harrelson (Eps. 1-2)

Rick Steadman

The Texan (Eps. 1-2)

Jaime Andrews

Marsha (Eps. 1-2)

Paul Plunkett

Earl Warren (Eps. 1-2)

JJ Mayes

Lee (Eps. 1-2)

Michael Holmes

Yale Guy 1 (Eps. 1-2)

Mandi Moss

Yale Guy 2 (Eps. 1-2)

Stephen Simon

John (Eps. 1-2)

Rebecca Larsen

Jacqueline (Eps. 1-2)

David LM McIntyre

Zapruder/Doctor (Ep. 2)

EPISODE ONE (11/20/10)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Aaron Francis

SUMMARY:  Mercenary Charlie Harrelson is absolved of all his crimes, if he'll just tell the Warren Commission the full story of that fateful day in Dallas when President Kennedy was shot... an assassination he was intimately involved with. As his relationship with his fiancée Marsha disintegrated, he was approached by LBJ, who hired him and a pair of Yale grads to fake an assassination to scare JFK. Lee Harvey Oswald was with Harrelson in the depository while the Yalies were on the knoll. However, something goes wrong, and JFK is hit.  The assassination... was an accident.

Charlie Harrelson (Terry Tocantins).  'On a good day, I'm John Wayne.  On a bad day, I'm John Wilkes Booth.' Charlie tells his story. The Yale Guys (Mandi Moss & Michael Holmes). Marsha (Jaime Andrews) is convinced Charlie is cheating on her. Lee (JJ Mayes) eats chicken while Charlie readies his gun. Charlie at the book depository. The Texan (Rick Steadman). 'Once you have your weapons, you will move into position behind the trees on the knoll.  You will NOT hit the target.  You WILL scare the piss out of him.' Recent memories intrude.  'I'm pregnant,' says Marsha. The Yalies on the knoll. Lee thinks they're doing this for Cuba. John (Stephen Simon) and Jacqueline (Rebecca Larsen). What the hell just happened? 'I shot the President of the United States.  Whoops.' Curtain Call

Mercenary Charlie Harrelson is interrogated by the Warren Commission
about his involvement in the events of November 22, 1963.

The Texan is none too thrilled to be working with a couple of Yalies.

EPISODE TWO (12/4/10)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Aaron Francis

SUMMARY:  The Texan reports on the accidental assassination to a shocked flunky. Meanwhile, Charlie tries to call home and finds the phone is disconnected. Did he forget to pay the bill? While on the phone, Lee shoots a cop just for looking at them. When Charlie threatens him, Lee clocks him with his gun and knocks him out. He has a vision of Jack, Jacqueline, Marsha, the Yalies and Zapruder, in which Jacqueline tells Charlie to go home to Marsha. When Charlie wakes up, Lee threatens to pay Marsha a visit.  Meanwhile, Marsha goes to see a doctor about her pregnancy.

'Well, that went south faster than a Parisian girl greetin' a G.I.' Marsha's heart is breaking. Jackie and Lee in Charlie's vision. Charlie's vision. Charlie's vision. Charlie's vision. Jackie tells Charlie to go home. 'Your woman is quick.' Lee threatens to pay Marsha a visit. Marsha visits a judgemental doctor (David LM McIntyre). 'C'mon, doc - let's get happy!'