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written by Jaime Andrews
eps. 1-2 directed by Mike Schneider
ep. 3 directed by JJ Mayes

Everybody's got a little monster.

3 Episodes
Original Run: 2 Eps, 12/1/12 - 12/8/12
Playoffs Run: 1 Ep, 6/22/13


Jaime Andrews

Cookie (Eps. 1-3)

Mike Mahaffey

Monster (Eps. 1-3)

Leon Russom

Narrator (Eps. 1-3)

Perry Daniel

Mom (Eps. 1-3)

Alyssa Preston

Woman / Kid 1 (Ep. 1)

Erika Rose

Woman / Kid 2 (Ep. 1)

Rebecca Larsen

Woman / Kid 3 (Ep. 1)

Victor Isaac

Mr. White (Eps. 2-3)

Andrew Amani

Antonio (Ep. 2)

Dominic Burgess

Antonio (Ep. 3)

Megan Crockett, Jonas Oppenheim,
Bruno Oliver & Zachary Bernstein

Cookie's Classmates (Ep. 3)

Choreography by Marianne Davis (Ep. 2)

Fight Choreography by Andrew Amani (Ep. 2)

EPISODE ONE (12/1/12)
Video by Marz Richards
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  Cookie is a little girl with a problem: her Monster, a nasty, cynical brute who gets her into all kinds of trouble.  Nobody but Cookie can see the Monster, but they can hear him... and everyone thinks she's the one talking.  He gets her into trouble with her mother and her friends, and makes it impossible for her to have friends of her own.  He wants her to toughen up so that she's not just "a marshmallow with eyes."  And things are just going to get worse... because it's time for Cookie's first day of school.

A little girl has a big problem.

EPISODE TWO (12/8/12)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  Cookie's monster gets her into trouble with her teacher, Mr. White, on the first day of school, and so Mr. White declines to intervene when class bully Antonio beats her up every day.  She begs her Monster to help, but he explains that he's entirely in her head.  But he tells her she CAN fight him, even though he's three times her size, because she's stronger... and smarter.  And so, for the first time in her life, she prepares to fight back.

Photos by Marian Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  The Monster convinces Cookie that she can win her fight against Antonio if she overdoeses on multivitamins.  This turns out not to be true... but she wins anyway when the Monster unnerves Antonio by telling him that he's going to die in 11th grade, throw off the back of a motorbike.  Mr. White announces that it's time for auditions for the school play.  "What's a school play?" asks Cookie.  "It's something of which you are gonna be the star," announces the Monster, grandly.

The Monster (Mike Mahaffey) encourages Cookie (Jaime Andrews) to gorge on multivitamins. Ready to fight. Mom (Perry Daniel) doesn't understand her daughter. Antonio (Dominic Burgess) is vanquished when the Monster whispers a dire prediction in his ear.