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book, music & lyrics by Zachary Bernstein
directed by Guy Picot
eps. 1-2 directed by Erik Engman

A musical that's catching.

Next Time: Episode 4
Original Run: 2 Eps, 12/8/12 - 12/15/12
Playoffs Run: 2 Eps, 6/22/13 & 7/6/13


Joseph Beck

Townsman #1 (Ep. 1)

Matt Jones

Peggio (Eps. 1-2)

Michael Holmes

Peggio (Eps. 3-4)

Alyssa Preston

Chauncey (Ep. 1)

Erin Parks

Chauncey (Eps. 2-3)

Megan Crockett

Eleanor (Eps. 1-4)

Cj Merriman

Gertrude (Eps. 1-4)

Natalie Rose

Magda (Eps. 1-4)

Julia Griswold

Becki (Eps. 1-4)

Will McMichael

Osgood (Eps. 1-4)

Corey Klemow

Heathcote (Eps. 1-4)

Michael Lanahan

Dr. Verte (Eps. 1-2)

Bruno Oliver

Dr. Verte (Eps. 3-4)

Aaron Mendelson

Townsman #2 (Ep. 1)

Zachary Bernstein

Musician (Eps. 1-2)

Chariman Barnes

Musician (Ep. 1)

Heidi Wienckowski

Musician (Ep. 1)

Laura Napoli

Aunt Mimi (Eps. 2-3)

Casey Vandeventer

Ina Verte (Ep. 2)

Victor Isaac

Townsman #3 (Ep. 2)

Leigh Wulff

Ina (Eps. 3-4)

Zachary Bernstein, Chairman Barnes,
Jonas Oppenheim & Aaron Bittel

The Band (Ep. 3)

Zachary Bernstein, PJ Wyderka,
Jonas Oppenheim, Christian Regul
& Aaron Bittel

The Band (Ep. 4)

Choreography by Aaron Mendelson (Ep. 1)

Choreography by Cj Merriman (Eps. 2-3)

EPISODE ONE (12/8/12)
Video by Annette Fasone
Photos by Marian Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  It's the 14th century and the plague is spreading through Germany... but Vice-Principal Chauncey assures her students that steps are being taken to make sure the plague never comes to Friedlichburg.  However, there's a new student in class, the perky Eleanor, who the mean girls at school don't take to... especially when self-involved class hunk Osgood takes a shine to her.  Meanwhile, Dr. Verte warns Chauncey that the plague has indeed breached Friedlichburg's walls, and he's sent for Peggio, a plague doctor... a grim figure who is slowly making his way towards the little town.

SONG: "Who's That New Girl?"  In 14th century Germany, Eleanor is the newest student
at the school in Friedlichburg and has drawn unwanted attention from the mean girls.

DEMO: "Who's That New Girl," performed by Zachary Bernstein (The Bicycats)

DEMO: "When I Look (In a Pond)," performed by Zachary Bernstein (The Bicycats)

A Design most moderne by Jim Pierce

EPISODE TWO (12/15/12)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  Eleanor's Aunt Mimi counsels her to tell nobody that she's Jewish.  Eleanor meets with Osgood at the horse stables, where the mean girls watch jealously.  However, Eleanor isn't interested in Osgood's advances... and she shrieks and flees when Osgood pets a rat.  Meanwhile: Heathcoate is lusting for mean girl Magda; Vice-Principal Chauncey is thrilled that Principal Hoch has died from the plague, as that means that she is now Principal - and she blames the plague on the Jews; Dr. Verte works feverishly to prevent the plague's spread, but bleeding the victims may not be the answer; and the plague doctor continues to make his way towards Friedlichburg.

DEMO: "Waiting," performed by Zachary Bernstein (The Bicycats)


Video by Annette Fasone
Photos by Marian Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  Chauncey happily announces to the school that all the recent deaths have made her the Supreme Burgomeister.  Dr. Verte introduces Peggio, the plague doctor, who has finally arrived, and is much amazed to find so many people still alive.  He's also surprised to see Eleanor, who he used to date.  She embraces him - and then slaps him and storms off.  The awkward moment is interrupted by another as Osgood, who recently ate a rat, isn't feeling so well, and suddenly collapses, black spots on his face.

The Plague Doctor has arrived in the village with terrible, but not unexpected news: everybody's got the plague. Music!

DEMO: "Everybody's Got the Plague," performed by Zachary Bernstein (The Bicycats)

Illustration by Jim Pierce. Heathcoate (Corey Klemow) helps an ailing Osgood (Will McMichael) to his seat at the school assembly. Principal Chancy (Erin Parks, center) announces her elevation to Burgomeister as Dr. Verte (Bruno Oliver, L) and Ina (Leigh Wulff, R) look on. Plague doctor Peggio (Michael Holmes) is shocked to see so many people still alive. The inevitable finger-pointing. "If it wasn't fleas and rats, it was probably the Jews."


Photos by Marian Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  As Osgood lies deathly ill, the girls profess their love for him while Heathcoate can only think of getting tips for bedding Magda.  And neither Dr. Verte nor Peggio have any clue what to do - especially as it turns out that Peggio is not a plague doctor at all... he sells grapefruits.  Ina has a solution, but nobody will listen to her.  And so Osgood dies.

DEMO: "Pickle," performed by Zachary Bernstein (The Bicycats)

Dr. Verte and Peggio are no help at all, and they ignore Ina's suggestions. The girls rush to Osgood's bedside. Heathcoate just wants Osgood to tell him how he can bed Magda. Osgood has died of the plague.