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written & directed
by Nathan Wellman

Oh well.

4 Episodes
Original Run: 3 Eps, 4/6/13 - 4/20/13
Playoffs Run: 1 Ep, 6/22/13


Pat Towne

Arthur (Eps. 1-4)

Terry Tocantins

John (Eps. 1-4)

Rick Steadman

Leo (Eps. 1-4)

Rebecca Larsen

Alice (Eps. 1-2 & 4)

Colin Willkie

Dave (Eps. 1 & 3)

Cameron Kasal

Gary (Eps. 1-3)

Jay Bogdanowitsch

Pastor Curry (Ep. 1)

Zach March

Young Man (Ep. 2)

Eric Giancoli

Mike (Eps. 3-4)

Tifanie McQueen

Wanda (Ep. 3)

Matt Valle

Roger (Ep. 3)

Lauren Van Kurin

Mary (Ep. 3)

Peter Fluet

Fred (Ep. 3)

Travis Snyder-Eaton

Alan (Ep. 3)

EPISODE ONE (4/6/13)
Video by Annette Fasone
Photos by Marian Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  A family mourns at the passing of their matriarch.  Arthur, her husband, has the most ostentatious display of drunken tears.  As the rest of the family try to come to terms with their dysfunctional history, son John shares a terrible secret with his brother Leo: their mother didn't trip.  She was pushed, by their father, for the insurance money.  John saw it happen.

Dad falls apart at Mom's funeral before things even get started.

Grief. (L-R: Rick Steadman, Terry Tocantins & Pat Towne) Familial tensions. (L-R: Terry Tocantins, Pat Towne & Rebecca Larsen) Pastor Curry (Jay Bogdanowitsch) begins his eulogy. The whole family. (L-R: Terry Tocantins, Pat Towne, Rick Steadman, Rebecca Larsen, Cameron Kasal & Colin Willkie)

EPISODE TWO (4/13/13)
Video by Annette Fasone
Photos by Marian Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  Siblings John and Alice have a tense talk about their mutual and continued dislike of one another, as well as an absent brother. Things get fraught when Leo attempts to confront his father, who offers Leo nothing but contempt, and forces Leo to confront the fact that he's been selfish.  Leo draws a gun, but fires just as his teenage nephew, Alice's son Gary, enters, returning from an ill-thought-out attempt to run away from home.  Meanwhile, Alice is seen in the arms of a young man who is not her husband.

After Mom dies, the dysfunction continues with fighting, drinking, threats, and a runaway.

A drunken Leo wallows in grief and self-loathing. John and Alice talk about their mutual distaste for one another. Leo draws a gun on his father.

Photos by Marian Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  At the hospital, Gary is slipping in and out of consciousness and coherence as the family continues to argue and come apart.  Pat unceremoniously tells Gary he was adopted, much to the anger of his adoptive father, Dave, who is also understandably upset at Leo for shooting Gary.  Meanwhile, Gary hallucinates a memory of his late grandmother holding him as an infant.  That night, the prodigal son, Mike, finally arrives... just as Gary flatlines.

At the hospital, Fred (Peter Fluet) gives an emotional pep talk to his ailing son Alan (Travis Snyder-Eaton). The family gather's at Gary's bedside. John and Dan commiserate. The deceased mother, Wanda (Tifanie McQueen) in flashback, holding her grandson, the infant Gary.

EPISODE FOUR (6/22/13)
Photos by Marian Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  As the family melts down, Alice realizes, with horror, that her father may have killed their mother for the insurance check she just got - to fund her return to college.  Meanwhile, Arthur confesses his guilt to Mike... who suffocates and kills him.  Leo walks in as Arthur is breathing his last, and, shell-shocked, agrees with Mike to say that their father died in his sleep.

Recriminations and regrets. Cleaning up the mess. Cleaning up the mess. Mike cleans up the mess in his own way.  Dad's dead. He died "in his sleep."